CybExer Technologies cyber range powered the largest youth CTF
CybExer Technologies Cyber Range was used in Estonias biggest Capture the Flag (CTF) competition for 15-21 year old cyber enthusiasts.
Cyber Battle of Estonia was held on University of Tartu premises as a physical event on 30th October. 75 best young hackers out of 500 who started the race to the final competition from bootcamps and pre-events gathered to solve the cyber tasks in three domains – smart home, smart city and smart airspace.
The CTF competition “Cyber Battle of Estonia 2021” was organised by an Estonian start-up CTF Tech with the help of numerous partners – 5 local municipalities, University of Tartu and multiple companies that value cyber security talent creation. The event had a live-coverage in Telia Inspira TV-channel which meant that smooth operation of the underlying infrastructure was a prerequisite of the event.
The engine of the event was CybExer Technologies cyber range that provided the task-solving environment and visualisation of the competition. We are glad that CybExer cyber range proved again its excellence and has noticeable use for educational purposes among future cyber talents.
See the gallery of the event here.