Estonian Cyber Defence League Takes Part in Cyber Security Exercise Hosted by CybExer and EY
For the first time, Estonian Defence League’s Cyber Unit takes part in the Cyber CoRe exercise created by CybExer Technologies and EY Netherlands. The exercise is a unique format for both enterprises and public sector institutions to improve their skills in dealing with threats in supply chain and address attacks against critical information infrastructure. The Cooperative Resilience or Cyber CoRe is taking place on March 5-6, 2020 with over 12 companies and institutions represented including experts from the NorwegianTax Administration, University of Porto from Portugal, University of Tartu, Tartu City Government and the Estonian Cyber Defence League.
It is the first time when enterprises together with a military organization train resilience against the most recent threat vectors in cyber space. The exercise motto is “Resilience through Cooperation” as it aims to increase cooperation and information sharing between enterprises, academia and government technical cyber security teams. The primary objective of the exercise is to test the skills of teams of IT specialists in preventing, detecting, responding to and reporting about full-scale cyber-attacks.
Raul Rikk, the National Cyber Security Policy Director from the Ministry of Economy, concluded his opening remarks by saying that this exercise is a world-class private initiative, which unites academia, government institutions and companies in a joint effort of responding to cyber threats.
Andrus Padar, Chief of Estonian Defence League’s Cyber Unit, underlined, “It is great to have such an occasion to test the skills of the Estonian Cyber Defence League members. This tailor-made live-fire exercise, where defending blue teams stand against the attack campaign of a red team best prepares us for real life crises.”
Merle Maigre, executive vice president of government relations at CybExer Technologies, underlined the high learning curve of the exercise. “As an owner and operator of the region’s most advanced private cyber range, we are honoured to offer our platform where companies can meet with experts from the military and academia, train together and build community to deal with cyber threats. As enterprises and governments around the world turn to digitalization, we all become aware of the cyber risk and we all experience talent shortage. Managing this risk requires highly skilled talent, which is in constant demand. The best long-term plan is to groom the next generation of cyber experts at exercises and individual trainings.”
Cyber CoRe has attracted international attention because it plays out at the cyber range on a true-to-life gamenet that simulates realistic IT infrastructure that corporations and government agencies must defend on a daily basis. It provides a unique situational awareness and visualisation through CybExer’s award-winning software suite, which brings maximum clarity into the progress and events of the exercise.