Estonia Shares Free Cyber Hygiene Training With Ukrainian Universities image

Estonia Shares Free Cyber Hygiene Training With Ukrainian Universities

Mar 2020


1 min read

In the new normality of global pandemics, the number of people relying on online security has skyrocketed. There has also been a steep rise of COVID-19 virus related cyber incidents. So that to improve the online safety, Estonian cyber security company CybExer Technologies in cooperation with their Ukrainian partners, ISSP and International Cyber Academy, offers free online cyber hygiene training for the National Academy of Internal Affairs, State University of Telecommunications and the National Technical University of Ukrainenamed “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

CybExer Technologies has created cyber hygiene course in Ukrainian for Kyiv university students who undergo public service executives training. The course allows the students to learn and test their cyber hygiene skills and prepare against the threats in the digital world. At the end of each individual session, users receive a profile indicating the level of risk in different areas of cyber hygiene.

Andrus Kivisaar, member of the board of Cybexer Technologies OÜ, said that Cybexer quickly realized that something had to be done. “Knowing that we have tools to increase cyber security, we made a version of a cyber hygiene course that is for every person easy to use and freely available, but still provides knowledge that can prevent a most cyber threats. The cyber hygiene course is available in Ukrainian ​​and can therefore be shared with our friends in Ukraine,” said Kivisaar and added “We will confront the cyber criminals in cooperation just like we will overcome the coronavirus in cooperation.”

Valerii Tsiupa, Co-founder and President of International Cyber Academy, said, “These days it is critical for not only specialists but also average users and especially current and future state officials to know the basics of cybersecurity and adhere to the rules of cyber hygiene. We are sure that by providing access to the cyber hygiene courses, we can make our society more resilient.”

The objective of the Cyber Hygiene e-Learning Course is to assess and decrease the risk emanating from user behaviour in cyberspace – ignorance or simple carelessness when using computers can bring about many problems not only for an individual user but also their co-students, colleagues, their organisation or the entire country. The cyber hygiene courses for the Ukrainian students is ready to be used as of today.

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